The 2024 Yamaha WSB SA off Road Championship series
will kick off with rounds 1 and 2 to be held on May 11 & 12 at Black Hill
and will be presented by the Vellocette Motorcycle Club. With Entries and Supp
Regs available from your Ridernet profile.

This year’s Championship will comprise a total of six rounds, and will cover varying terrain from Black Hill to Kingston in the South East. With the Vellocette Club stepping up to run multiple rounds in 2024.
The exciting thing about the Kingston rounds is that it will also be hosting rounds 9 & 10 of the 2024 Australian Off Road Championships (AORC),so not only will the best of SA go head to head, the very best from all around Australia will also be on display, giving the locals the chance to take them on, and on a ‘home deck’!
Fantastic to see the Green Triangle Enduro Club come back into the Championship to run rounds 3 & 4 alongside the AORC rounds, and being down the South East with some prime real estate to race off roads on, these will certainly be rounds not to miss – riding OR spectating!
We are also excited to welcome the following sponsors for 2024 – and please thank them for once again getting behind one of SA’s most prestigious SA Championships:
- Yamaha
- WSB Distributers
- Nutrien Ag Solutions
- Paint Tech, EIF Industries, Redtech Refrigeration
- Rhythm Race Suspension, CSJ Electrical, Rarcoola Structural, Kessner Motorcycles

At present, SA can boast three (3) current Australian Champions from2023, Cooper Sheidow, Leigh Bentley and Rowan Pumpa, plus a bunch of junior ‘stars of the future’ who went so close to the big prize in finishing on the AORC podium in their classes – Levi Rossi (2nd in J1), Harry Gilbertson (2nd in J2), Ollie Gear (3rd in J3 – after missing a round due to injury) and Davey Gear (3rd in J4). Keep an eye out for all of these ‘gun’ riders to rip up the tracks once again in 2024, plus the likes of 2023 Clubmen riders (with some moving up) like Royden Harrold and Todd Muster to start laying a claim tot eh Top 10 Outright positions! Word out on the street is that there will be a higher number of Junior Girls and Open Women entering this year, with the likes of Chloe Barton and Emma Haylock ready to resume ‘hostilities’ from 2023, where they were neck and neck for the whole Championship, while Charlize Waldhuter will be looking to add to her great start to the year at the Jamalka 360 Desert Race at the start of March! |

Entries for rounds 1 & 2 are now OPEN ONLINE through Ridernet, and riders are asked to ensure their details, including sponsors, are correct when entering for inclusion in each round’s programme. Entries close at 11.00pm on the Monday prior to the event.

As always, the SAORC aims to cater for all level and age of rider, and gender as well, with classes to suit just about everybody, with machines not needing to be registered for any round (unlike the traditional enduros of years gone by), so get around this Championship and get an entry in and join the community – you won’t regret it! The full list of 2024 classes on offer, along with age and machine restrictions (if applicable) are: SENIOR CLASSES PRO PRO, All Powers Expert EO, Expert Open – Open 2 Stroke & 4 stroke. Women EW, All Powers Clubman C1 – up to 220cc 2 Stroke & up to 250cc 4 Stroke C2 – Open 2 Stroke C3 – Open 4 Stroke Veterans EV, All Powers, 35-44 years of age Masters EM, All Powers, 45 years of age and over JUNIOR CLASSES JJ (8 to 11 years) 65cc 2 stroke J1 (9 to 11 years) 85cc 2 stroke & up to 150cc 4 stroke J2 (12 to under 15 years) 85cc 2 Stroke & up to 150cc 4 Stroke JG (Junior Girls, 12 to U16 years) 85cc to 200cc stroke & 150cc to 250cc 4 stroke J3 (13 to under 15 years) 125cc to 200cc 2-stroke & 200cc to 250cc 4-stroke J4 (15 years) 125cc to 200cc 2-stroke & 200cc to 250cc 4-stroke Entry fees for 2024 have been changed so they reflect the AORC, with Seniors set at $130.00 and Juniors at $97.00 per round (day), so double that if you’re going to ride both rounds on the one weekend! And just as an FYI – The two AORC Rounds in the 2024 Championship are also two rounds of the SAORC and count for the SAORC Championship. If a rider’s intention is to compete for the SA Championship, then entry to these rounds is through the normal SA process and using SA numbers. For more details, head to the SAORC website: saoffroadchampionships.com |